
Hey friends!

Thought I'd post another health update since it's been a few days since my last. I so appreciate those who are following my/our journey towards better overall health and baby #2!

It's now been 2.5 weeks since I received my test results from my doctor that necessitated implementing a low carb diet. I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard. I haven't really grocery shopped and this has meant that I've been skipping meals at times because it feels like there isn't much I can eat in a house full of carbs (bread, potatoes, crackers, etc etc). It's not that way all the time, so don't feel like I"m starving myself or anything. ;) I'm still eating plenty, I am just working through what these food changes mean for me.

One of the things my doctor recommended was starting on a magnesium supplement. My levels were low so it made sense to supplement. I've never had any issues with any medication so I jumped right in, excited to "feel better" as everything I read insisted I would. However, after a week of horrible constipation and other related issues, under the advice of my doctor, I had to stop taking it. Since magnesium is supposed to be somewhat of a laxative, it obviously wasn't doing its job.

In the midst of that, I appear to be dealing with a kidney stone (or stones). No fun, let me tell ya. I am praying that it will pass soon so I can enjoy this next week at a family wedding in Georgia.

So, there's the bad. But the good news? I'm down 9.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. As a result, my BMI has dropped from 27.4 to 25.8. I've also lost about 1.5 inches from my waist and hips. I am thankful to be seeing positive changes in my body, knowing I'm taking care of myself and doing this journey in a way that is sustainable. It's so nice being able to put clothes on without everything being tight!! I am truly thankful for this journey, hard though it's been.

So what's next? Well, I need to figure out if I want to start a different form of magnesium supplement and when to do that. I'm also hopeful that continuing to eat low-carb will allow me to lose more weight. I have roughly 20lbs left to lose. Right now, I'm excited that the weight has been coming off and *staying* off (SO hard with PCOS). I'm also planning to continue going to the gym several times a week.

Caleb had some bloodwork done recently that told us about a few changes we need to make for his overall health. Sometimes the levels of information we're receiving from bloodwork and testing are overwhelming! But, it's great to know so we can be good stewards of the bodies God has given us. I am so grateful for the medical community who is actively helping us pursue our health.


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