So...what's new in our adoption world?

A couple of things:

Our home study is just about wrapped up now. But, we are still waiting on our Child Abuse/Neglect clearances from AL and TN. Please be in prayer that these will come back, and soon! They should have been here by now. Other than those clearances, we just need to get First Aid/CPR certification. That's on the calendar for Feb 7th, 8th, and 10th. Then, hopefully it'll be a quick process to get our home study report in the hands of our adoption agency.

We have been pursuing some fertility testing only to ensure that everything is healthy and that Rebekah specifically does not have any health problems that would prevent her carrying a child. So far, we don't know anything definite (we should know more Feb 11, at my next doctor's appointment).

What we do know is that my hormones are out of balance, making it difficult for me to get pregnant naturally. The doctor thinks I may have a specific condition that would explain a lot of things I've had going on physically ~ everything from it being difficult to lose weight to our infertility and so much in between. Just knowing something definite would be such an answer to prayer and such a relief to both of us. Knowing the name of the problem and any changes we need to make to relieve its symptoms will be so nice.

Our family profile is really coming along, just in case you haven't seen my FB page recently. :) We have put together four pages, with three to go (and two of those are in progress). Here's a sample:

Once our profile is finished, our home study arrives, and we get a letter from our doc saying that I'm healthy and able to carry a baby, things should really start to move forward. It could only be a matter of a month or two before we'd be matched with a couple!!!

In other news, I'm now babysitting an eight-month-old on a regular basis for a friend. I figured now was as good a time as any to start getting used to having to take care of a baby AND get all the day-to-day stuff done. I am enjoying it, but it's been very tiring. Kaylee has been sick most of the time I've kept her (lots of congestion the first 2 weeks and a persistent ear infection) and I'm not being used to having a kid around for hours at a time, so by the time Fridays come (my day off), I am well and truly ready for a rest. But, at the same time, I like that I'm learning all the nitty gritty bits of being a parent (or at least some!) and am learning to balance what I am doing with what the baby needs. :)

Last month my man got promoted which was very exciting, especially as the Army dated the promotion July, 2010!! That means Caleb will be back-paid to July! God is so good.

Flight school is going well for Caleb, though it is as intense as ever. Flight school = crazy schedules, that's for sure! It's been the norm this week for Caleb to leave home at 7ish and not get home til 6ish. Every week is different and definitely keeps me on my toes, especially with lunch prep, which can range anywhere from 10am to 12pm.

In November, I was asked to be a permanent substitute for two Sunday School classes (i.e. teaching whenever their teachers are away) ~ 1st-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade. I have taught two Sundays in each class, and I really enjoy it. :) Caleb is also teaching Sunday School for the Adults between 18 and 35ish, which he is also thoroughly enjoying.

I think that's about all our news for now. :) Stay tuned...hopefully our next blog post won't be a month in coming!


  1. Hi Rebekah!
    I was so delighted to see a new post on your blog! I've been thinking of you lately, and hope to stay updated on this adoption process and catch up with you soon!
    In Christ,

  2. Hey Laura! Long time no talk. :) I actually accidentally posted this blogpost here...guess it was really for you. ;) God does things like that, huh? We actually have a different blog that I'm trying to stay regular in updating. It's: :) I will probably start reposting here once our adoption is completed.

  3. Hi again, Rebekah!
    I just saw your comment, and was excited to see your other blog too :) I will definitely be reading and praying for you and Caleb! Hope all is well for you both :) Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!
    In Him,


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