To the one who is waiting...

Take courage.

The Lord walks by your side. Yes, even in your waiting. Even when you feel all alone and wonder, "Where are you, God?" He cares. He sees how hard the waiting is.

He is for you.

I know--it feels heavy. You feel all alone. You wonder why and how and a thousand other questions. So many questions.

You wonder if He is even good.

But He is.  Not because you've received your answer. Not because you feel happy. Not because your promise has been fulfilled. 

He's good because that is who He is.

I know it doesn't feel like it as you walk this dark valley. I know the pain and the tears and the questions so well. And while I can't take away your pain, I can say this:

Your journey has purpose. 

You're not alone.

He is holding you in the palm of His hand.

I don't know how and I don't know why pain is part of your story or part of mine. But I know this, our God is working it for your good. 

He is good and He is faithful. Even when it doesn't feel like it. Even when the room is empty and your heartache feels so heavy. Even when you've received "no" for the fifth time or the fiftieth.

He is for you.


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