One Week Down

Well, I've officially made it one week into this low carb "thing." In some ways, it's been harder than I thought. At the beginning, it literally felt like there was nothing I could eat. The second day, I was so depressed looking in the pantry at all the things I cannot eat that I completely fell off the bandwagon and ate whatever I wanted. Cue headaches and generally feeling awful. Let's just say I learned my lesson. ;)

We don't eat a lot of sweets or dessert at home, so that part hasn't been terribly difficult. But when you're used to eating pasta or crackers or bread or loads of fruit....well, those are tough to give up. I'd bought bananas (highest carb fruit) and grapes (second highest carb fruit) the day before my test results came back, and it was awful to realize I couldn't eat them. I also learned that the watermelon, peaches, and mangoes that I so enjoy are also on the no-no list. So much of what I used to enjoy now has to be strictly limited, if eaten at all.

That being said, I am learning a lot about what I can eat. I've learned that pretty much all grains (plus quinoa, couscous and oats) are out. So are regular sugar, honey, agave...and so the list goes on. I do know that I can eat certain alternative sweeteners, like Stevia and erythritol. I can eat flax seed-based products and things made with nut flours. My favorite discovery of foods for the YES list are coconut and Vegemite. I may not have survived without them. ;) I also learned that Chick-fil-A (one of our favorite places to eat as a family) has a chicken wrap that is low-carb. HUGE win!!

In the midst of diet changes, I've also been trying to work out more regularly. According to some of the research I've done, consistent exercise can hugely affect insulin resistance, with some studies showing significant improvements without any diet changes. That was so encouraging to learn, even though I am making changes to my diet. Since I have access to the gym at the college, I am trying to work out as much as I possibly can. This past week I made it three times, which felt like a huge win as I hadn't exercised since graduating in May. This week we have been too busy for me to go to the gym, but I'm trying to work out at home instead. It takes a lot of self-discipline, that's for sure! (Learning curve... ;) )

In many ways it's been a tough week with feeling like so many foods are no longer realistic choices for me. But, I'm also learning what I *can* eat and choices that will help heal my body. I remind myself constantly that if I don't make these changes (tough though they be), I'm looking at type 2 diabetes. I don't want that. Every time I pick up a weight or get on the treadmill, I am thankful that I have the opportunity to fight this preventable disease and pursue a healthy lifestyle. Every "no" to a high-carb food is a choice to say "yes" to taking care of my body--and it's a choice worth making.

P.S. I lost (and kept off) a pound this past week. Weight loss is tough with PCOS, but plays a huge role in controlling symptoms. Here's to the next 24lbs!!


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