Adoption Update: Moving Forward

I've been debating on whether I should post this "update," but since I've shared snippets with some, I figured it made the most sense to just share publicly as well.

A few weeks ago, I joined several adoption groups on Facebook. On Oct 30, a post popped up by one of the admin about an expectant mama in the south who was looking for an adoptive family. I commented, as did hundreds of other people. I really wasn't sure if anything would come of it, I just figured I would comment and see what God did.

Well...on Saturday, November 2, we received a Facebook message from the group admin telling us that the expectant mama (I'll refer to her as A) had chosen us from all those comments and would connect with us via FB. Around the same time, I received a message from A introducing herself and telling us a little of her story. I was at Homecoming at the college when I received the message, and I must admit that I was 100% distracted for the rest of the afternoon thinking about what to say and trying to contain myself. ;)
Over the past six days, we've had several good conversations about life, motherhood (she has a toddler), a little snippet of our backgrounds, etc. While that has been wonderful, we all recognize there's still a lot we don't know about each other. For that reason, at this time we are NOT officially matched. We are getting to know each other with the possibility that we will be adopting but nothing is guaranteed yet.

We are doing everything in our power not to rush things along for A, as we know she has a huge decision to make. We want her to be fully comfortable with us and with this decision. It's hard for the planner in me to be patient, but the bottom line is, relationships take time and this is definitely not something we want to rush.

So what's next? Well, we just kinda keep getting to know each other for now. We are hoping to video chat with her this next week, and if all goes well, we will meet her in Dec. We are also messaging back and forth fairly regularly. I am also doing a ton of research into adoption lawyers in both states, requirements, potential accommodation for when bub is born, etc. It's an exciting time!

Please continue to pray for our family as we go through this journey. We want to get excited but we are also trying to be cautious until things are more definite. Pray for us all to have peace along this journey and listen carefully for God's direction, for wisdom in handling every conversation, and for us to have opportunities to encourage and support A spiritually and emotionally. Pray for A, that she would have wisdom in knowing whether we are the right family to raise her baby, for peace in her decision, and that she would know how lavishly she is loved by our God.

Thank you all for your support--it means the world.


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