Adoption Update: Almost Finished Paperwork!

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been chipping away at our home study paperwork. It is difficult to explain just how involved it is for those who have never gone through it. Here's a quick run-down:
- Birth certificates
- Marriage certificate
- Drivers license copies
- Tax return copies
- Pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Background checks for every state we've lived in (we have six)
- Local background checks
- Fingerprinting for FBI background checks
- Physical exam including TB test for all three of us
- References
- Statement from our vet that our dog is safe
- Various documents to sign
- Copy of our home study
- Questionnaire completed by both of us
- Individual questionnaires (very detailed) by each of us, including things like the strengths and weaknesses of our marriage, our upbringing, family values, etc.
- Special needs checklist (what we're open to)
- Various case studies
- Letters from my counselors signing off on our adoption

I hope the list gives a little insight as to why this process takes a little time--gathering and completing all of that paperwork is a lot of work!!

One important piece we've been working on is getting a copy of our home study from 2011. For some reason, we never got a finalized copy. Also, the contact information we had for our social worker was no longer current, and we didn't know how else to get ahold of her after all this time. Thankfully, the adoption agency we worked with in 2011 still had a copy on file and was able to get it sent to us today. After about two weeks of trying to get a copy, I'm so thankful to have it in my hands!

The last week, I've been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this paperwork, which is so exciting. The very last thing we need is Selah's physical. She had her TB test today, so once we get the results back from that, we will be set to mail all the paperwork off!! I am hopeful it will be in the mail Wednesday or Thursday. After that, we will have our interviews.

We are so excited to see what God will do next!!


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