Our Adoption Story--Part I

For those who might be wondering why or how we decided to adopt...here's a piece of our story!

In 2010, we felt God stirring our hearts about adoption and the many children who need homes. We started gathering information, and in 2011, began working with a Christian adoption agency. We completed our home study and were so excited to begin our family via adoption. However, just a week before we were eligible to begin matching, we discovered we were pregnant. This put everything on hold.

In 2013, Caleb was deployed to Afghanistan. We didn't get to talk often, and when we did, Caleb was usually so exhausted from the 16-20 hour work days that he didn't talk much. One conversation from deployment stood out though, for so many reasons--he told me he felt like God was stirring in him again about adoption. Little did he know, I had been feeling the same thing! That being said, the timing wasn't right, with deployment still happening plus a lot of uncertainty about a job and where we'd be living when he returned.

In 2014, when he returned, we found ourselves moving cross country in a "faith move" with no job or house immediately lined up. By 2015, we had more stability job-wise, but Caleb was working night shift and I was in school full-time, so growing our family had to be largely put on hold. This past year, with Caleb being established in his job and my graduation from college, we decided to pursue medical help with having a baby.

When that didn't work, we started wondering whether now was the right time to adopt. We were cautious though--we didn't want it to be an automatic 'yes' just because we weren't getting pregnant ourselves. I feel so strongly that adoption is not a bandaid for infertility; it should be because the couple feels God has led them to adoption. So, we took time to pray and consider.

We decided to take the first step and contact an agency, and just see where it led. The first agency took over a week to get back with us, despite repeated emails and other contact. Our first meeting was set, but their availability was booked for about three weeks. The times they were available didn't work with our schedule. It just seemed like nothing was working the way we needed it to.

Then...I remembered an agency we'd heard mentioned at a church we visited one time four years ago. I had completely forgotten the service and the agency until then--it was totally a God-thing that it even came to mind. I contacted them on Sun Feb 24 via their FB page. I figured since it was the weekend, I wouldn't get a reply. Within FOUR MINUTES, they replied! Not only that, they put me in touch with the MO director. Less than 24 hours later, we had initial paperwork in our hands and a phone appointment set for the next day (Feb 26). We both just had so much peace, even before the phone call.

The phone call was awesome. Ashley (the director) was warm and friendly, and we felt right at home asking her our questions and discussing information with her. She is an adoptive momma so she knows what this process is like from all sides! After the phone call, we didn't even have to talk about it--we just knew that this was our open door.

Less than 24 hours after the phone call, we found a wonderful Christian organization that provides home studies. A few days later, we were given information about an adoption attorney who looks like a wonderful option for us. In less than 5 days, we had an agency, home study provider, and a potential lawyer!!

We are so awed at how God is opening doors for us and are excited to see where this journey takes our family!


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