Our Adoption--FAQs

Just thought I'd compile some of the answers to the questions we've been asked lately. :)

What kind of adoption are you pursuing?
Domestic infant adoption. At this time, we feel a baby would be the best fit for our family. We have looked into foster care, adoption of children, sibling adoptions, etc. While these are all very necessary types of adoption, it's not where we're feeling God's leading right now.

How old will the child be that you're adopting?
A newborn. :)

What agency are you working with?
We are working with COMPACT Family Services, which is a ministry of the Assemblies of God and provides matching services. We are so excited and thrilled to be working with them!

How much does it cost?
It's no secret that adoption is expensive. That being said, COMPACT operates a little differently to many adoption agencies--more like as a facilitator of a private adoption. They do not charge for their services, instead seeing it as a ministry opportunity. It's a pretty amazing vision!! That being said, we still have other adoption-related expenses.

Our costs are:
Home study: $1400 (+$400 for background checks, fingerprinting, etc)
Adoption lawyer: $2000
Birth mom expenses: vary, depending on situation
Baby expenses (in hospital): est. $2500
Post-Placement Visits: $750

Total = $4550 (plus potential hospital and birthmom expenses)

Wow, that's so much money! How will you pay for it?
We firmly believe the statement "where God guides, He provides." We know that no amount of money is too big for God to provide for the need.

Our first step is to look at our budget and see where we can set money aside towards our adoption. We have a small savings account open for funding our adoption and look forward to adding to it as we can.

We've also looked into adoption grants and the like, but we're not eligible to apply til our home study is complete. It'll be several months before we are at that point, so this element is on hold right now.

We will also be doing some fundraising. We've got some fun ideas in the works that we look forward to sharing with you soon.

Regardless of where the money comes from, our desire is to be good stewards of every penny God provides!

What happens next?
We have just submitted the initial application for our home study and our initial application to COMPACT. Here's a rough idea of the upcoming steps:
1. Home study (with loads of paperwork!)
2. Once home study is approved, officially sign on with COMPACT.
3. Begin matching.
4. Be matched.
5. Wait for our baby to be born!

There are no guarantees on timeline, it's just a wait-and-see thing. :)

How can we help?
As I mentioned above, we are working on some ways that friends and family can contribute to our adoption financially. We are hoping to get some things up and running once our home study is complete. In the meantime, your support in prayer and encouragement is so important! Adoption is a big endeavor and we need to have our 'people' around us in this process.


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