Jan 2019 Update: Journey to Baby D

Thanks for following me over here for a bit of an update. I figured it might be easier to post here since I have a tendency of becoming long-winded on FB posts, and it seems fitting to include it here, along-side the other baby-related updates.
Let's just get the inevitable question out of the way: No, I'm not pregnant.
Here's the update:
A few weeks ago, we underwent a fertility procedure that would increase our chances of getting pregnant. We were so hopeful and excited that this could be our month. A million little things seemed to click into place--from perfectly timed doctor's appointments to my body's response to the medication. We dared to hope.
Two and a bit weeks later, we got an answer in the form of one pink stripe--negative. I'm not gonna lie, I think it was one of the hardest moments of this journey for me. I tested and re-tested, hoping it was just too soon, but nope...that one silly line kept showing up over and over again.
The last few days have held a lot of tears, frustration, grief, and yes, even anger as we process this cycle and really, this whole journey. Anyone who has gone through infertility can tell you that this grief comes in waves that feel compounded by all the other months of waiting. It is a very overwhelming, deep grief.
At this point, we've tried everything from supplements to weight loss to healthy eating habits to medicines to trigger shots to medical procedures. Every single doctor has told us they don't really understand why it's been so ridiculously hard for us to get pregnant, even the specialists. Even though there's more medical options we can try, at this time, we are putting everything on hold indefinitely. I just feel so 100% *done* with this whole process, the medical interventions, the doctors, everything. Emotionally, I just can't continue.
Thank you to those who have been praying alongside us through the past six months specifically and throughout our journey. We are grateful. We appreciate your continued love and prayers as we navigate this grieving process and which direction our family will head next.
(P.S. Please no tips/advice/product recommendations/etc at this time.)


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