A Little "Life" Update

I keep having all these random thoughts running through my head for a blog post, and since I've been way too busy to sit down and write a blog post for each idea, I figured I'd just mash all our little news tid-bits into this one post. :)

So, here's the latest happenings...

* I took Selah for allergy testing this week after she recently broke out pretty bad from our dog. The test was, of course, not exactly fun for Selah, but she did better than I expected (in part because they didn't do a blood test like her pediatrician had said they would). The test confirmed she is definitely allergic to dogs. Sad day. But, the allergist said that we can definitely keep Honey (our golden retriever), as long as she continues to stay outside.

Also, he mentioned a few other things...Selah is more at risk now for other allergies, including dust and mite allergies. Consequently, he said a house with no carpet would be best for her. Unfortunately, that is not an option, at least for now. (And, I don't know how I would do without carpet...I do not like wood/laminate floors! I may just have to deal with it though.) She is also more susceptible to asthma, so he recommended giving her the flu shot in the fall. :/ I definitely want to do more research in general about the allergy and then see where we go from here. If at all possible, I'd like to avoid the flu shot, but at the end of the day I want to do the best thing for Selah as well.

* We are now past the one third mark of this "season" apart. I am getting sooo excited about homecoming already!

* School starts Aug 19. I am excited about getting back into school, learning a bunch, and making some progress on my degree. I am nervous too though. It will be a big adjustment to go back to school after three years of "just" being at home. I have never done this with a toddler. How will I fit in the homework and studying? I just have some fears right now. But, I know we will make it work, and it will certainly help the rest of the year fly by!

* Random...but I sent my first care package today! :) I had sent a few while Caleb was in Texas, but this was my first official "overseas" one.

Ummmm...trying to think of all those other things I was gonna write. Lost 'em I guess. Til next time!


  1. That's sad that Selah is definitely allergic to dogs :( But great that you get to keep Honey!


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