Ok, so that whole "posting on a weekly basis" thing is obviously not happening, considering it's been several months since our first and only post. I guess life as a college student just makes things like blogging fall by the wayside in favor of homework, classes, and home life in general.

The past year has seen some pretty major changes for Caleb and I. This time last year my man was graduating from college and was commissioned as an officer into the United States Army National Guard. I was (and am) so very proud of my man for his desire to serve his country in the military.

Then, in January, Caleb was given a position at College of the Ozarks working in the office of the military science department. This job came at a crucial time for us financially; we had been living off ROTC income (which was minimal) for a whole semester with both of us in college, and me being unable to work due to visa restrictions. God was good to provide for our needs with a job that enabled us to travel to work and school with minimal complications.

In April, God provided for us again in a big way as Caleb received the offer of a job at Radio Shack, an electronics store. The position at CofO was only for one semester, so to get a full-time year-round position in a town that really only operates for the summer months was a great joy and blessing.

In June, Caleb began feeling a leading away from his current job, but continued in prayer, not knowing exactly what the Lord had for us. In July, we received a phone call with an offer of a job working for the Army three hours north of Branson. We were thrilled at the opportunity, as a full-time job for a National Guard officer is not easily come by. After prayer and consideration, we decided to accept the position and move north.

The move was not without complications, however. The day we finished packing our house, we found out that the job Caleb had been offered was no longer available (due to someone coming home from a deployment). However, they did offer Caleb a job on active duty doing pretty much the same thing as he would have been in the other job. When we looked at the benefits of active duty time and the increased pay rates, our income really didn't turn out that much different.

What's so amazing to me is that in every crazy moment of this year, God has gone before us and had prepared the way. He had laid out a sequence of events that would cause us to fall on Him in a way that we hadn't had to do before, and in which our needs were met at the very perfect moment. What a joy to see God's hand intricately at work in our life together!

We moved into our new home with the help of Caleb's three younger siblings, Daniel, Candice and Blane. When we arrived, however, we discovered that the water wasn't turned on and the water company required a $150 deposit, which we didn't have on hand. Then, the fridge in the house quit working, making all of our food in the fridge thaw completely and start to go bad. The stove didn't work either. We went basically without it for three weeks. We learned what it must've been like in the "olden days" before hot water when our hot water heater broke in the period without water. Let's just say it was an interesting few weeks. But by God's grace, we made it through every struggle.

In August, I started up school again at the local community college. It has been an interesting and challenging semester as I have adjusted to the quirks of community college and a college without a Christian foundation. Despite the hardship of daily being in a secular environment, I have had opportunities to be a witness to those around me. In my mind, that makes all the hard parts totally worth it.

Hmm...trying to think of any other interesting parts of this year. I dunno. Guess that's about all of the highlights of this year. One day I'll post about the Set Apart Girls' Conference in June of this year. :) Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed the update and hopefully the next post will involve a little more creativity!

P.S. I may be posting some of my spiritual musings here too, if anyone's interested. :)


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