A Non-Update Update

I've had quite a few people ask lately if there's any progress with our adoption. Truth be told, there isn't much going on at the moment, but here's a little bit of an update and some info about our agency at least.

We're currently in the matching phase, which can be the longest part of the adoption process. Our particular agency, CompACT Family Services, sometimes has more extended wait times because they only place a few kiddos every year. (This is partly because they don't operate like a traditional agency and do not have the same number of mamas contacting them for adoptive placements.)

CompACT is an organization run by the Assemblies of God. They have three main functions: foster placements in foster homes; a maternity home, where young expectant mothers receive assistance and support throughout their pregnancies; and adoption services for those who are members of Assemblies of God churches. Some expectant mamas in the maternity home choose to place their babies for adoption, while others choose to parent. They receive support and assistance either way and are not pressured into a decision. You can see more info here: http://www.compactfamilyservices.org/ministries/highlands-maternity-home

Anyway, we are currently waiting on our match. It has been difficult waiting and I am learning just how little patience I naturally possess! In the midst of it all, God is reminding me that He's working even when it's quiet. We really don't know how long we might wait, but are praying expectantly that our baby will be in our arms SOON. Will you pray with us?

(By the way, we are also open to a private adoption situation, where someone contacts us directly who needs to place their child for adoption. If you know anyone in this situation, please contact Rebekah! Who knows how God will bring along our perfect match?!)

In this waiting season, I am doing all I can to stay busy. I am wrapping up some house projects, immersing myself in the Word, getting more involved in a family support organization at Caleb's unit, and taking care of my family and home. I'm realizing in 11 years of marriage, I've never done this stay-at-home thing except when I was pregnant, so I'm having to learn how to "just" be home and not feel like I should be doing something else. Sometimes I get restless, but I'm learning to savor this season and pray for what lies ahead.

We'll keep you posted when things move forward!


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