The Waiting Game & Fundraising Update

How has it already been over a month since my last update? Time flies! I've had a bunch of people ask about where our adoption is up to, so I figured it was time for an update. :)

We finally finished all of our paperwork mid-April and got it mailed off to our home study provider. We were SO excited to have it out of our hands and hopefully schedule our interviews as soon as we could. My hope was that our home study would be complete by the end of May. Unrealistic? Maybe. I just want to have this piece complete so we can really start to get excited!!

Anyway, we hit a bit of a roadblock with scheduling our interviews. We have three pieces to our interviews--one-on-one interviews with each of us, an interview with the three of us, and a home visit to make sure our home is safe. The issue was, the provider was only available during school hours. As many of you are aware, I'm in a long-term substitute position that meant I was working Mon-Fri through mid-May. The next times the provider was available were during the week we are going on vacation. It was a little frustrating to say the least!

After a bunch of emails back and forth, we finally scheduled our first interview for May 29th. That day, we'll set the date for our second interview and home visit. We are so excited! Even though the timing is not what I'd hoped, I rest knowing that God's timing is best.

Fundraising Update
In other news, we are continuing to work towards raising the money to cover our adoption costs. I have been scouring our house for items we don't use or need any more and have been listing them for sale on local groups. Even though most items are only a few dollars, we have raised about $400 so far!! I am in awe! Several people have donated to our adoption fund as well. We are so blessed to have our friends and families partnering with us and are so thrilled to see the way our Abba is removing the financial barriers so we can add another precious kiddo to our family.

Here's a quick reminder of our adoption costs:
Home Study: $1400
Background Checks & Misc Expenses: $350
Adoption Lawyer: $2000
Post-Placement Visits: $1000

= $4750 + birthmom costs (could range up into the thousands) & travel costs (again, not sure on amount)

Our initial financial goal is to save/raise $5000. Once we hit that goal, we'll work towards saving for birthmom and travel costs.

As of right now, we have raised 33% of this first goal!!! 

I am so shocked and amazed to see what God has done these past couple of months. It was only about 2.5 months ago that we decided to adopt. Within a week, we had an awesome non-profit adoption agency, a home study provider, and were connected with resources for an adoption lawyer. God has given us ideas for things we could sell and bring in a little extra, and He has prompted people to give. I am so humbled that He has taken our one step of faith and is blessing it abundantly! I know this is only the beginning of our story. I'm just so grateful to see what God has brought us through and how He's providing for every need!


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