
Showing posts from August, 2018


Hey friends! Thought I'd post another health update since it's been a few days since my last. I so appreciate those who are following my/our journey towards better overall health and baby #2! It's now been 2.5 weeks since I received my test results from my doctor that necessitated implementing a low carb diet. I'm not gonna lie, it's been hard. I haven't really grocery shopped and this has meant that I've been skipping meals at times because it feels like there isn't much I can eat in a house full of carbs (bread, potatoes, crackers, etc etc). It's not that way all the time, so don't feel like I"m starving myself or anything. ;) I'm still eating plenty, I am just working through what these food changes mean for me. One of the things my doctor recommended was starting on a magnesium supplement. My levels were low so it made sense to supplement. I've never had any issues with any medication so I jumped right in, excited to "...

One Week Down

Well, I've officially made it one week into this low carb "thing." In some ways, it's been harder than I thought. At the beginning, it literally felt like there was nothing I could eat. The second day, I was so depressed looking in the pantry at all the things I cannot eat that I completely fell off the bandwagon and ate whatever I wanted. Cue headaches and generally feeling awful. Let's just say I learned my lesson. ;) We don't eat a lot of sweets or dessert at home, so that part hasn't been terribly difficult. But when you're used to eating pasta or crackers or bread or loads of fruit....well, those are tough to give up. I'd bought bananas (highest carb fruit) and grapes (second highest carb fruit) the day before my test results came back, and it was awful to realize I couldn't eat them. I also learned that the watermelon, peaches, and mangoes that I so enjoy are also on the no-no list. So much of what I used to enjoy now has to be strictly...