
"It's hard to wait, Mom."

I probably hear it five or ten times a day some days...the voice of a little girl reminding me that patience is not her strongest of virtues.

I tell her "I'm sorry" or "You'll have to be patient" but inside I think to myself that someday she'll know waiting is just part of this thing called life.

It's not easy though.

I found myself looking for an old toy tonight--a toy Selah used to play with and decided she wanted to cuddle again. I dug through tubs of her old clothes in the garage, fingered through maternity outfits, and ended up in the baby room touching sacred little outfits yet unworn.

That's when it happened.

As I touched the baby clothes, I found myself mirroring my girl as I whispered in the depths of my heart: "It's hard to wait, Abba."

It's not even that I doubt His goodness or His faithfulness. And I know His timing is best. I know He will bless us with another child.

But this mama's heart is longing for the fulfillment of the promise.

Waiting is hard.


  1. Yes, it is. Praying for that promise to be fulfilled soon.

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