Why Move?

Argh, I hate how long it has taken me to get back to writing on here. Between reintegration, a week-long trip away with my love, coming home, spending time with friends and family here in Georgia before our move, a six day trip to Missouri, and packing up our house...well, let's just say life has been a little busy. But, I wanted to take some time to explain a bunch of random "bits" relating to our move that several people have been asking about.

First of all, the big question: Why are you moving?

It's a complicated question, because there are lots of reasons. The biggest one is tied into reintegration. For those who may not be familiar with the term, this is the process whereby a soldier and his family readjust to each other after a period of separation. It is usually used in reference to deployments, but in reality, reintegration (to a much lesser extent) can be a factor even with short-term separation. Basically, there are lots of changes that happen to a person in a year - growth, struggles, etc. I've changed, and Caleb has too - especially to meet the demands of the last year.

Anyway, as we contemplated this move (prior to Caleb's return), we felt it would be the best thing for our family - considering some of the potential struggles of reintegration - to go ahead and get moved as soon as possible after Caleb's return. Having the stability of a house we would be in awhile would allow all of us to settle into a new normal after his return. We could get into routines and life would be predictable for Selah.

Also, our Georgia house (which we are renting) was foreclosed on last March, and the bank is eager to sell. They wanted to put the house on the market in January, but graciously waited until Caleb's return to do so. Even if we were not moving out of state, it is very likely that we would need to move locally before too long. It just didn't make sense to have to move twice just to stay in the area a little longer.

But we want you to stay!

I know - and we wish we could stay! We love being close to family and have really enjoyed being a part of the body at Beth Yeshua. There are so many things we will miss. But, we need to move.

Do you have a job? What will you be doing?

The short answer is no, we don't have a job - we're waiting and praying over several applications Caleb has put in. But, being local allows us better chances of finding a job. If nothing works out, April is when the tourist season starts in Branson, so he will work on getting something seasonal until we can find something more permanent.

How long will Caleb be home?

I don't know for sure. But it is likely to be several years.

Is he getting out of the military?

No, he is planning to stay in, and I fully support him in that. :)

Hope that helps answer some questions. If you have more, leave me a comment and I'll try to answer them soon.


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