Precious "Lasts"

There are many precious firsts in my life that I will never forget. Meeting my husband for the first time. Our first hug. Our first kiss. Our wedding day. Graduating from (community) college. Finding out we were pregnant. Meeting our little girl.

But right now, I'm in a season where I am holding dear something a little different - "lasts" - moments that will not come again because my love's return is drawing ever closer. Things like last oil changes, last haircuts, last trips away. Just like our "firsts," these too are sacred. They represent this season apart drawing to a close. And, well, I don't think there's anything more special than that, at least right now.

I look ahead and see exciting days ahead - moving beyond these "lasts" to more "firsts" - homecoming, seeing our daughter's face when she sees her daddy, figuring out all of the in's and out's of reintegration. And there's a part of me that just wants these "last's" to be over with so that I can have my hubby home. The time is drawing so near, and after almost a year apart, I am so ready for our family to be complete again.

But at the same time, I don't want to rush the present. There are still lessons for me to learn - patience for one. There are still moments to savor - snuggles with my girl, my heart skipping a beat when my phone rings and it's my sweetheart, putting together little gifts for my family's belated Christmas. I don't want to miss those.

So, resolution #1 for 2014 is this: breathe. In the stressful moments or in the moments when I don't know every detail about the next step and it's driving me nuts or I really want time to hurry up so my hubby is home....even then, I need to learn how to breathe and savor the present. I don't "breathe" very well. So, this year I am going to try to purposefully do that, knowing that my Abba has all of my "firsts" and "lasts" in His hands.


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