
I am so exhausted...Selah had a rough night last night and we have had a busy day today between going to Beth Yeshua this morning, lunch with new friends, and then spending some time with the fam celebrating DD/Mom's birthday.

Today wasn't easy - Selah only took two very brief naps and was very difficult during lunch and the afternoon, and I have really been missing my hubby. But, I found this quote recently that I am really trying to embrace in this time of separation: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." Sometimes it's easy for me to think, "When he gets home, it'll be easier" or "I can't wait for this time to be over so life can go back to normal" - essentially just longing for the norm, especially in those tough "single" parent moments. But, that quote reminds me of the absolute importance that I live in this moment. Life cannot stop because it is not picture perfect right now; it must and should go on. I will be sad at times, and that's ok. But I can't stop time for a year.

So, in the spirit of "dancing in the rain", today I am thankful for...
- Being near family. While I may not ask you to do a lot for me, I appreciate the things you do do for me, and checking in on me.

- The beautiful community at Beth Yeshua. Words cannot express the joy I feel when I am at the synagogue and sit under Rabbi's teaching. For the first time, I truly feel the freedom that God gives from legalism, sin, and the flesh.

- New friendships. I don't have any super close friends in the area, yet. But, I am excited as I begin getting to know people at where those friendships will lead.

- Our home. I am sure there will be things I don't love about this house. However, I am so grateful that God led us here for this time, and gave us this home. It is exactly what we need - not too big for me to handle, and yet sufficient for our needs as well.

- My wonderful husband. Words cannot express how very grateful I am for the gift God has given me in my hubby. He is exactly what I need and he brings so much joy into my life.


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