So...what's new in our adoption world? A couple of things: Our home study is just about wrapped up now. But, we are still waiting on our Child Abuse/Neglect clearances from AL and TN. Please be in prayer that these will come back, and soon! They should have been here by now. Other than those clearances, we just need to get First Aid/CPR certification. That's on the calendar for Feb 7th, 8th, and 10th. Then, hopefully it'll be a quick process to get our home study report in the hands of our adoption agency. We have been pursuing some fertility testing only to ensure that everything is healthy and that Rebekah specifically does not have any health problems that would prevent her carrying a child. So far, we don't know anything definite (we should know more Feb 11, at my next doctor's appointment). What we do know is that my hormones are out of balance, making it difficult for me to get pregnant naturally. The doctor thinks I may have a specific condition that would ex...