
Showing posts from 2017


I'm thankful today for chapters--chapters closing and chapters opening. Today was my last clinical experience at a local school for my undergraduate degree and I must admit, it was bittersweet. Dropping my Education major felt so strange and was such an unexpected change for me. If you know me, you know I'm a planner and that I like to make a list and stick to this huge shift has kinda rocked my world. I spent months deliberating over my decision, really thinking through whether I should stick with this degree or not. But, even as I have questioned my decision and asked God for confirmation, He has filled me to the brim with peace and sweet reminders that He holds my hand on this journey, wherever it may lead. I know that I made the right decision, it's just strange to watch as chapters you've spent over a decade on come to a close. Ironically, today also felt like a fresh start. I had time to go eat lunch with my girl and it was wonderful to ju...


Oh be careful little mouth what you say Oh be careful little mouth what you say For the Father up above is looking down in love So be careful little mouth what you say. Words have more power than you know-- the power to break and the power to restore. the power to bring life and to bring death. Choose carefully.

Ten Things Military Wives Wish You Knew

1. Don't tell us to "call if you need anything!" We are strong, independent women who feel like we need to be able to do it on our own. It's awkward and hard to ask for help--really. So when you make comments like this one, we automatically brush it aside. I remember during deployment there were times that people just DID something for me without asking me and I loved that. Or they would ask if they could help in a specific way (mowing, fixing something, babysitting, etc). Or make specific lunch plans. Those were the moments that I felt supported and surrounded by my community. Of course it depends on the spouse, but puuuuhlease, don't make generic statements like "call if you need something." K, thanks. 2. We get lonely. We've been a military family for roughly nine and a half years. I've made friends, even military friends, most places we've lived. But there's still a loneliness that I think is just a normal part of this life. ...