Seven Years & God's Fingerprints

Seven years. Two people, born on opposite sides of the world. A young man, wondering when he would meet his bride. A young woman, waiting for her husband. God brings them together to meet online. They fall in love through letters, emails, instant messaging, Skype, and phone calls. Six years. Boy meets girl in the Atlanta airport. Girl's heart skips a beat when she sees her love running towards her for the first time with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He proposes, a month after she arrives. She says yes. (They forget to take engagement pictures together.) They say goodbye once again...this time for 3 months as they attend school in separate states. More letters, emails, Skype and phone calls, oftentimes using a borrowed cell phone since she did not have her own. They reunite for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and spend lots of time growing together as a couple. She is unexpectedly accepted into his school as a transfer student, when there were...